Friday, January 8, 2010

My budget, aerial acrobatics

As I mentioned in my last budget post, December was not a very informative month in terms of whether my budget is reasonable. Below are my aggregates.

I saved a lot of money because I was home at my parents house for over half of the month, unfortunately I still had to pay rent for a full month. The one good sign I see is from the clothing budget. I don't think being at my parents house prevented me from spending money on clothing, so the fact that it was under budget was a good sign given that I have been over budget in the previous months.

The only overspent category was entertainment. That was all from one item, a groupon for an aerial acrobatic flight. I have not cashed it in yet, but I am really excited about it, particularly the prospect of piloting my own tricks. There was a groupon later for skydiving, but I couldn't find anyone that wanted to go with me. The guy I know that is doing the aerial acrobatics already went skydiving.